🧸Toys rarity

Understanding Toy Rarity and Blindbox Probabilities

Toy rarity is determined by their circulation, which represents the maximum number of collectibles available. Factors impacting circulation include artistic choices and limited editions, directly affecting a toy's rarity.

In Blindbox distributions, a toy's circulation significantly influences the probability of obtaining it. The following categories illustrate different rarities and their corresponding potential quantities:

  • Open edition - unlimited for a limited time, then rarity applies based on the number of collected toys.

  • Common: 88,889 - unlimited

  • Rare: 38,889 - 88,888

  • Super Rare: 8,889 - 38,888

  • Epic: 889 - 8,888

  • Legendary: 89 - 888

  • Mythical: 2 - 88

  • One and Only: 1

These categories signify various rarity levels, each with its unique number of toys and an associated icon.

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