πŸ™Digital Art Toys


When you purchase Digital Art Toys on ArToys.app, you unlock a range of exciting features and benefits that enhance your collecting experience. Here's what collectors can expect when they acquire these captivating digital treasures:

  • Profile Picture (PFP): Along with owning a unique digital art toy, collectors receive an NFT profile picture (PFP). This NFT PFP can be utilized as a distinctive avatar across various social networks, showcasing your passion for digital art and setting you apart from the crowd. - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

Interactive 3D Models with AR Features: Each digital art toy comes with a captivating 3D model that integrates augmented reality (AR) capabilities. This enables collectors to place their toys within their physical surroundings, be it their room or a customized virtual space within our app. Immerse yourself in the world of your digital art toy and marvel at its intricate details as it comes to life in your environment.

Extra Options:

  1. Interactive AR Experiences: Dive deeper into the interactive possibilities of your toys with AR experiences. Take control of your toy and create engaging content by controlling its movements and actions. Capture videos or photos of your toy's interactions within the AR space, opening up a world of creative possibilities.

  2. AI-Powered Conversations: Engage in unique and personalized conversations with your art toy through our advanced AI technology. Exchange messages with your digital companion, asking questions, seeking advice, and discovering the unique personality behind your toy. Explore the depths of their character as they respond intelligently, creating an immersive and interactive dialogue. UNDER DEVELOPMENT

  3. In-Depth Mini Games: Experience exclusive in-depth mini games specially developed for each digital art toy. These games provide an opportunity for collectors to delve further into the world of their toy, uncover hidden secrets, and unlock additional rare NFTs. Pay close attention to the details within the games to uncover hidden treasures and enhance your collection with even more prized digital assets. UNDER DEVELOPMENT

  4. Physical Collectible Rewards: As a special incentive for dedicated collectors, ArToys offers the opportunity to obtain limited-edition physical toys. By completing specific collection milestones, such as acquiring the entire collection or collecting all rarity types of special toys, collectors can earn the chance to receive a physical toy. These physical toys are released in limited editions, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging collectors to embark on their collecting journey promptly.

In summary, when you acquire Digital Art Toys on ArToys.app, you gain access to an array of exciting features and benefits. From the NFT profile picture (PFP) for social networks to the immersive 3D models with AR capabilities, collectors can enjoy the interactivity, AI-powered conversations, and in-depth mini games tailored to each unique DART. Embrace the possibilities of digital collecting as you engage with and explore the captivating world of your digital art toys.

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